Privacy Policy

VALTIBA, S.L. (hereinafter, "VALTIBA") is responsible for the processing of your personal data to provide you with the services identified in this Privacy Policy of ( hereinafter, the "Website").   At Valtiba we are committed to the fundamental right of the protection of your personal data and this Privacy Policy is intended to inform you about your rights under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons (General Data Protection Regulation, “RGPD”) and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (“LOPDGDD”) The use of the This Website implies acceptance of this Privacy Policy as well as the conditions included in the legal notice. Identity Responsible for the Data Processing • Owner: Valtiba s.l. • NIF: B05389150 • Address: Sitges • E-mail: • Website: Purpose of Personal Data Processing. How will we use your personal information? What services do we provide? Valtiba S.L. will process your personal data, manually and/or automatically, for the following specific purposes: 1. Contact forms 2. Forms for contracting products or services 3. Content subscription forms.  4. Compliance with legal obligations. 5. Improvement of the services and features of this Website. 6. Social media management. Valtiba S.L. has a presence on social networks. If you become a follower on the social networks of Valtiba S.L., the processing of personal data will be governed by this section, as well as those conditions of use, privacy policies, and access regulations that belong to the social network that is appropriate in each case and that you have previously accepted. Valtiba S.L. will process your personal data to correctly manage your presence on the social network and inform you of its activities, products, or services, as well as for any other purpose that the regulations of social networks allow. In no case will Valtiba S.L. use the profiles of followers on social networks to send advertising individually. You can consult the privacy policies of the main social networks in these links:  Facebook  Twitter  LinkedIn    YouTube  Instagram Categories of Personal Data. What information will we collect? You should know that there are different ways to collect personal data:  a) The data you provide us directly We collect information about you when you contact us through the channels enabled for it, such as the contact form, the newsletter, or the purchase of one of our products. When you contact us through one of these channels, we will request your express consent to collect your email, your name, and surnames, your address, town, and postal code. All the fields that appear marked with an asterisk (*) in the forms that are provided to you in these channels will be mandatory to fill in, in such a way that the omission of any of them could make it impossible for the requested service to be provided to you. You must provide true information, identity theft, or the use of aliases or anonymous names is prohibited.  You may not, when providing any data that may be requested in these channels, choose insulting expressions, coincident with brands, trademark names, names, or pseudonyms of figures of public relevance or famous figures for whose use you are not authorized. b) The data obtained indirectly When you browse, different Cookies and other tracking devices may be installed on your device, as we explain in our Cookies policy. We consider that all the data processed by Valtiba has been freely provided to us.  If the personal data provided is from a third party, you guarantee that you have informed them of this Privacy Policy and have obtained their authorization to provide the data to Valtiba S.L. for the purposes indicated above. Likewise, it guarantees that the data provided is accurate and truthful, and is responsible for any direct or indirect damage or loss that may be caused as a result of a breach of such obligation, exonerating Valtiba from any responsibility in this regard. Legitimation. What is the legal basis for the processing of your personal data? Valtiba S.L. will process your personal data based on your consent for the purposes related to the contact form or commercial or advertising communications related to the products and Valtiba S.L. Once a commercial relationship has been established with Valtiba S.L., for the management and processing of the legal relationship established between both parties, that is, in their own request of management, in the maintenance of contact, in the provision of the service that they had requested and, where appropriate, in the legitimate interest of Valtiba S.L. 1. Provide you with the services you have requested and respond to your requests for information, based on the contractual or pre-contractual relationship established between the parties. 2. Address any request to exercise your rights that you may send us, in compliance with our legal obligations. 3. Keep you informed about our products and services, as well as send you news or notify you of events and other activities that may be of interest to you, when you have subscribed to our newsletter, based on your request to be part of them. Transfer of Data and International Transfers At Valtiba S.L. we may communicate your personal data to the following entities, always in relation to the purposes described: •               To the competent bodies of the Public Administrations in compliance with the legal obligations that apply to us. •               To our providers of auxiliary services, necessary for the normal operation of the contracted services (among others, hosting providers, internal management tools, or emailing sending services). Some of the indicated providers may be located in jurisdictions that generally do not provide the same guarantees as in Europe concerning the processing of personal data. However, we guarantee that we have established safeguards through the signing of model clauses of the European Commission. Conservation Periods How long do we keep your data? We will only keep your personal data for as long as it is necessary to offer you these services, and subsequently for the period that is necessary to be able to cover eventual responsibilities or for the formulation, exercise, or defense of claims. However, you may request the deletion of your personal data, and if these legal retention periods are applicable, they will remain blocked for the time established by the regulations. Security and Confidentiality We are committed to the security of your information. To protect your personal data, Valtiba S.L. takes all reasonable precautions and follows the best industry practices to prevent their loss, misuse, improper access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. To prevent unauthorized access or unauthorized disclosure of personal data, we have taken appropriate technical and physical measures, as well as management processes, to safeguard and secure the information we collect from you. Exercise of your Rights We inform you that you may exercise the following rights: 1. Right of access to your personal data to know which data is being processed and the processing operations carried out with it. 2. Right to rectify any inaccurate personal data. 3. Right to delete your personal data, when this is possible. 4. Right to request the limitation of the processing of your personal data when the accuracy, legality, or necessity of data processing is in doubt, in which case, we may keep the data for the exercise or defense of claims. 5. Right to oppose the processing of your personal data. 6. Right to the portability of your personal data. 7. Right to revoke the consent given to Valtiba S.L. You can exercise your rights, at any time and free of charge, in the following ways: 1. Send an email to the address indicating the right you wish to exercise and your identification data. 2. In addition, when you receive any communication from us, by clicking on the unsubscribe section that will contain that communication, you can unsubscribe from all previously accepted commercial communications. Likewise, we inform you that you have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency if you consider that we have committed an infringement of data protection legislation regarding the processing of your personal data. Minors Minors under 14 years of age may not use the services available through the Website without the prior authorization of their parents, guardians, or legal representatives, who will be solely responsible for all acts carried out through the Website by minors under their control. charge, including the completion of the forms with the personal data of said minors and the marking, where appropriate, of the boxes that accompany them. In this sense, and to the extent that Valtiba S.L. cannot control whether or not Users are minors, it must be the parents and guardians who enable the necessary mechanisms to prevent them from accessing the Website and/or facilitating personal data without their supervision, not admitting Valtiba S.L. any responsibility in this regard. Privacy Policy Update We do our best to keep our Privacy Policy fully up to date. Valtiba S.L. reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence, as well as to industry practices. This Privacy Policy will be in force until it is updated by others duly published. This Privacy Policy has been revised and published as of July 20, 2020.